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Autistic and otherwise neurodivergent brains take in, process, and communicate information differently from neurotypical ones! Neurodivergent individuals often develop specific skills and knowledge in different ways, on a different timeline or in a different order, and to a different depth than what neurotypical caregivers and educators expect. These differences are not deficits to be erased or repaired, but natural variations in the way we all, as people, experience the world around us.


My approach to therapy is person-directed, collaborative, and first and foremost works toward authentic, joyful connection.




When my client is a young child, I help caregivers and educators understand why the child is communicating or behaving differently than expected, and I work with the child and their communication partners to find ways to communicate, connect, and get needs met that honour the child’s autonomy and their unique neurology.




With adolescents and adults, self-awareness and self-acceptance are the building blocks of effective self-advocacy and communication in a neurotypical world. Recognizing, accepting, and learning to appreciate the ways in which our communication diverges from the typical can help us begin to unmask, let go of internalized ableism, self-advocate for communication supports and accommodations, and embrace tools like part-time or full-time use of AAC.


Adolescents and adults with complex communication and/or support needs may have experienced limited opportunities to self-advocate and participate in the decisions made about their own lives. Difficulty finding effective or appropriate communication methods and supports is often a huge barrier to self-determination for these individuals. It is my goal with any client to make sure that they are able and allowed to participate as fully as possible in all decision-making about their own lives and their own care.

Adolescents and Adults
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